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Lemurs Park

Lemurs Park

1 total reviews

Lemurs' Park is located 25 km from the center of Antananarivo on the RN 1 towards Imeritsiatosika. The lemur, symbol of the endemic fauna of the Island of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, is undoubtedly one of the most endearing animals on our planet. Lemurs' Park was created with the aim of introducing this surprising animal to as many people as possible, to all enthusiasts, nature lovers and to thus allow, over the years and births, to reintroduce lemurs into their natural environment. born in the park.

This area of ​​5 hectares, bordered by the Katsaoka River, currently hosts 7 species of lemurs from different regions of Madagascar, but also other essential representatives of Malagasy fauna and flora. Lemurs' Park is a limited company which decided to carry out a reforestation of endemic species for 19 years.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lémurien en liberté

Le parc est situé à 1h30 de la capitale.
Nous l avons visité en famille. La visite est assez rapide, entre 1h et 1h30 et permet de voir plusieurs espèces de lémurien d assez proche avec leur famille.
Il y a aussi des plantes et fleurs endémiques dans le parc et un restaurant assez simple.
Le parc mérite une petite halte sur votre trajet vers ampefy
